Adaptive reuse of the North Head Quarantine Station

Q Station, in Australia, is a large cultural site within the Sydney Harbour National Park, and a major heritage tourism business. The system we built and operated is on. It covers four sustainability dimensions: economic; social; environmental; and cultural. The model is recognised as having some of the most comprehensive cultural indicators in the World, … Read more

Agritourism Strategy for the Riverina Murray Region of NSW

SMA Tourism produced the 2023-2030 Destination Management Plan for the NSW Riverina Murray region. This document set a priority to develop and implement an Agritourism, Produce, Food and Drink Product & Experience Development Strategy. SMA Tourism were again engaged to develop this Agritourism Strategy to provide the directions needed to grow a differentiated and competitive … Read more

Brand, product development and marketing for Anguilla

The country of Anguilla in the Caribbean positions itself on four brand values of beaches, romance, food and people. However, there is a lack of experiences supporting the people dimension. The Ministry of Tourism in the country of Anguilla (Caribbean) asked us to assist develop and market five Heritage centres covering: Archaeology, Maritime, Plantations, Salt … Read more

Conservation and adaptation of two haciendas into 5 star retreats

On Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, Hacienda San Jose and Hacienda Temozan were once huge plantations operating at the scale of small towns. This project conserved the properties and their grand 16th century mansions into luxury retreats. A great deal of trouble was made to conserve and reuse everything still present – even the pool at Hacienda … Read more

Conservation, adaptive reuse and product development for Q Station

The North Head Quarantine Station is a nationally significant heritage site within Sydney Harbour National Park. The site was leased to the private sector to access private capital that could conserve the site, provide greater access and more powerful experiences than government was capable of. We prepared the winning tender and worked with the developer … Read more

Cultural Tourism Plan for Wollongong

Cultural tourism allows travellers to be immersed in local rituals and routines, taking away not only pretty photos but also shared memories of unique experiences. Cultural tourism encourages local communities to embrace their culture and boosts economic growth.  Developing culturally geared tourism programs encourages destinations to celebrate and promote what distinguishes their communities, and in … Read more

Destination Management Plan for Albury

The planning process for this Destination Management Plan integrated both demand (the visitor or consumer needs) and supply (the product or experience). While the geographic area that this Plan focuses on is the Local Government Area of Albury, it also proposed a number of cooperative initiatives with the City of Wodonga, given its close proximity … Read more

Destination Management Plan for Docklands, Melbourne

Our process started with a review of the Docklands visitor economy operating environment, documented as a Situation Analysis Report. This revealed major inconsistencies in branding. and strategic issues with the current visitor product / experience offer: Not enough to drive Docklands as a destination, and less than most consumers expect Insufficient capitalising on the waterfront … Read more

Destination Management Plan for Moorabool Shire

Despite being just an hour’s drive west of Melbourne, Moorabool had low market awareness and was an immature destination. We conducted a brand compatibility match to the events, to determine which ones were helping build brand strength, and an event calendar that contrasted industry demand for stimulus with the supply of events, and colour coded … Read more

Destination Management Plan for Riverina Murray region, NSW

The Riverina Murray visitor economy region in NSW encompasses 149,000 square kilometres, the third longest navigable river in the world, 16 National Parks, two RAMSAR listed wetlands, one World Heritage Listed area 22 local government areas and is home to over 275,000 people. The purpose of preparing this DMP was to ensure the visitor economy … Read more

Destination Management Plan for Wellington Shire, NSW

We prepared a Destination Management Plan for the Wellington Shire, NSW. This included: An analysis of the regional visitor market. An analysis of the regional tourism product. An analysis of regional events. An analysis of regional tourism brand and marketing. The brand analysis involved a competitor analysis that included Parkes, Dubbo, Mudgee and Wellington, then … Read more

Development of five cultural heritage centres in Anguilla

The Ministry of Tourism in the country of Anguilla (Caribbean) contracted SMA to assist develop and market five Heritage Centres covering: Archaeology, Maritime, Plantations, Salt and Craft. The Project is being funded by the Commonwealth Secretariat, Ministry of Tourism and various donations. We worked closely with Indigenous Anguillans to determine the key stories and interactives … Read more

Ecotourism and cultural tourism product audit for Uganda

As part of a situation analysis, we undertook an audit of destinations, ecotourism and cultural tourism products across Uganda. Our product audit involved: A detailed description of the existing experience Justification notes supporting the scores from the course assessment Issues associated with holding back the success of the product Outline of opportunities to significantly improve … Read more

Feasibility Assessment and Development Plan for Coal Creek Attraction

Coal Creek is a heritage attraction three hours east of Melbourne, Australia. Our task was to determine how to get the business back to cost neutrality. Following extensive research and consultation, we concepted a range of cost saving measures and revenue generating experiences, including a son et lumiere to create profile, an interactive mobile platform … Read more

Feasibility Study for reuse of Former Wellington Gaol and Police Station (NSW)

The former Wellington Police Station and Gaol is owned and managed by Dubbo Regional Council. The small building is made up of six offices, several bathrooms, a roofed exercise yard and six cells. The building needs substantial conservation works to address decaying brickwork, rising damp and drainage, as well as fire and alarm detection systems … Read more

Investment Strategy and Prospectus for Albury Wodonga

The Destination Management Plan for Albury Wodonga proposed many product development initiatives that require funding to proceed. Some of these initiatives are naturally positioned for the public sector to fund, some for the private sector, and a small number could be funded as partnerships. This project has been conceived by AlburyCity and the City of … Read more

Master Plan for Peak Hill Historic Mining Site, NSW

Peak Hill is the northern gateway to the Parkes Shire and the second largest town in the municipality, situated on the Newell Highway approximately 48km north of Parkes. Peak Hill is a historic village, first settled in the 1840s as a grazing area, and in the 1890s growing rapidly with the discovery of gold, with … Read more

Master Plan for Western MacDonnell Ranges and Hermannsburg, Northern Territory

Working with the Tourism Northern Territory, Tourism Central Australia, Northern Territory Heritage Commission, Office of Aboriginal Affairs and Central Land Council, we: undertook extensive consultation with local Aboriginal people; conducted product audits and determined product gaps; developed draft product development strategies and concepts for major product proposals; developed a Masterplan for the region; priced the … Read more

Product Development Strategy for dive, ecotourism, cultural tourism and adventure tourism

As a tourism destination, the Solomon Islands only receives a small number of visitors and has them spread out over a vast archipelago. Australian tourism consultants were appointed to develop a Tourism Product Development Strategy. The team consisted of a tourism product development specialist, marketing specialist, infrastructure specialist, consultation specialist and a quantity surveyor. An … Read more

Sustainable Tourism Model for Shoalhaven Region

Organisations have plans to manage what they want to do. However, a plan is written in one moment of time. The more time passes, the more chance that a plan can become out of date. Models are designed not to go out of date. A model is like a living, constantly adapting plan. We are … Read more

Tourism Development Plan for Townsville Region

SMA Tourism produced a Tourism Development Plan for Townsville City and the Townsville region. The region incorporates Burdekin to the south, Charters Towers to the west, Magnetic Island to the east and Hinchinbrook to the north. Our work included: review of current target markets versus current visitor data; review of current brand versus current marketing; … Read more

Tourism Development Strategy for East Arnhem Land

The East Arnhem Land region is situated in the far north-eastern corner of the Northern Territory, covers an area of 34,000km2 and has a population of 9,120 people – mostly Yolngu people, the traditional owners of the region. East Arnhem Land is made up of more than 50 Indigenous communities including. Commercial enterprises such as … Read more

Tourism Optimisation Management Model for Kangaroo Island

This ground breaking project extended the Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC) model to a more tourism friendly monitoring and adaptive management system called TOMM (Tourism Optimisation Management Model). TOMM operates at a regional level – across Kangaroo Island in South Australia, best known for its seal interaction. We developed the model through extensive consultation, then … Read more

Tourism Product Development Strategy for Far North West Tasmania

The Tasmanian government asks us to identify product development and investment opportunities that could drive visitor demand to Far North West Tasmania. And specifically increase first-time and repeat visitation to the target region; increase the average length of stay; increase visitor expenditure; increase visitor dispersal (geographically and seasonally); increase visitor satisfaction, and consequently, increase the … Read more

Anne Teddy Awori

Anne Teddy Awori hedashot

Anne joined SMA Tourism in 2015 to undertake iconic tourism product development and is based in Uganda. She has a solid understanding of Uganda’s tourism industry and sound knowledge and familiarity of Uganda’s existing and potential tourism attractions and activities. She has a vast network of Ugandan tourism stakeholders, solid skills in public, private sector … Read more

Anne-Maria Mäkelä

Anne-Maria Mäkelä headshot

Anne-Maria joined SMA Tourism in 2015 to undertake iconic tourism product development in Uganda and is based in Finland. She has 20 year’s’experience working across the World in sustainable tourism, marketing and product development. She has become highly accomplished in tourism stakeholder consultation in developing countries, across public, private sector and non-governmental sectors. Anne-Maria’s focus … Read more

Annoncita Batamuriza

Annoncita (Anny) Batamuriza headshot

Annoncita (Anny) joined SMA Tourism in 2020 to develop religious tourism in Rwanda and is based in Rwanda. She has 22 years’ experience in tourism development and tourism marketing in Rwanda. Her tourism career evolved from managerial positions in international hotels, to that of a part time consultant for hotels and government and full-time manager … Read more

Charlotte Beauvoisin

Charlotte brings over 20 years marketing experience and almost 15 years’ experience living and working in Uganda. She is a professionally qualified marketing manager, tourism consultant, digital marketing trainer, guidebook writer, travel blogger and social media influencer. Charlotte is the author of Diary of a Muzungu, Uganda’s best-known travel blog that she launched in 2008 … Read more

Glenn Berrill

Glenn Berrill headshot

Glenn joined SMA Tourism in 1999 to prepare a Heritage Landscape Management Plan that supported the redevelopment of the former North Head Quarantine Station into a boutique cultural tourism attraction, and he is based in Melbourne, Australia. Glenn has worked with SMA Tourism on Site Master Plans and Product Development Strategies in various parts of Australia. … Read more

Jane McArthur

Jane McArthur headshot

Jane joined SMA Tourism in 2015 as the food, wine, hospitality, health and wellness tourism expert, and is based in Newcastle, Australia. Jane has 20 years’ experience in tourism and hospitality business development, operations and marketing – developed through operating her own café, catering and food production business. She blends lateral thinking, creative concepts and … Read more

Jesse Mowbray

Jesse Mowbray headshot

Jesse started working with SMA Tourism as an Associate in 2019, including a Feasibility Study for the former Wellington Gaol and Police Station in western New South Wales, Australia. Jesse is a registered Architect with more than 14 years of professional experience in local, national, and international projects. This work has been undertaken across the … Read more

Johnny Lopez

Johnny is a highly accomplished and versatile Director. From entertainment to sport, his work has covered award winning short films, television, music videos, commercials, promos, station idents and news. Sport – Motorsport in particular — has figured prominently, his directing assignments including Le Mans, the Porsche Carerra Cup and the Ferrari Challenge Asia Pacific Series. … Read more

Julián Huerfano

Julian Huerfano headshot

Julián joined SMA Tourism in 2018 to develop nature tourism and an investment plan in Colombia, and then a Nature Tourism Recovery Plan for Colombia, and is based in Colombia. He has 15 years’ experience in administration, finance, social investment and project management relating to sustainability and tourism. During the last 10 years, he has … Read more

Julie Hawkins

Julie has 33 years’ experience as a graphic designer and Julie has worked with SMA Tourism for 30 years. She specialises in design for publications, interpretation signs, interpretation displays and exhibitions for visitor centres and museums. Her projects range from visitor orientation signage at Uluru in the Northern Territory, guides supporting the Convict Trail around … Read more

Karl Flowers

Karl Flowers headshot

Karl joined SMA Tourism in 2014 to lead tourism market analysis, economic impact assessment and policy design, and he is based in Melbourne, Australia. Karl has 25 years’ experience as a tourism industry specialist working as a Tourism & Aviation Economist and acting Director Strategy and Research for Tourism Australia, General Manager Policy and Research … Read more

Lindsay Sharp

Lindsay was a Founding Director for the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney; leading all museum teams in every aspect of conceptualisation, exhibition, organisational development, museological, business cases, project development, marketing, communications and resource enhancement and management, working at the highest levels of government. As a Museum Director or an independent consultant, Lindsay has worked with: the … Read more

Lintang Ayu Nugrahaning Tyas

Lintang Ayu headshot

Lintang joined SMA Tourism as an Associate in 2020, and is based in Indonesia. She has 15 years’ experience in tourism and related disciplines. Her focus is on tourism planning and sustainable tourism development in rural and conservation areas. She is also experienced in working in remote areas with different cultures, and has significant experience … Read more

Marcello Notarianni

Marcello Notarianni headshot

Marcello joined SMA Tourism in 2016 to play frequent roles in international projects and is based in Spain. He has over 22 years of experience in sustainable tourism development, including market analysis, special interest tourism product development and feasibility studies. Within SMA Tourism, Marcello focuses on sustainable tourism policy, product development, marketing strategies and self-financing … Read more

Marina Novelli

Marina Novelli headshot

Marina joined SMA Tourism in 2020 and is based in the United Kingdom. She is an internationally renowned tourism and international development expert and Professor of Tourism and International Development at the University of Brighton (UK), and an Affiliate Member of the UN World Tourism Organisation. Marina has written and advised extensively in the field … Read more

Marta Saya

Marta Saya headshot

Marta joined SMA Tourism in 2020 and is based in Cambodia. She holds a Bachelor of Arts and Tourism Management and studies from the Royal University of Phnom Penh. She has 12 years’ experience in tourism planning, stakeholder coordination, tourism development and strategic planning. She has a strong knowledge of the tourism sector in Cambodia, and … Read more

Maudie Palmer

Maudie Palmer headshot

Maudie joined SMA Tourism in 2017 to prepare a feasibility study and business case for a new art gallery in Shepparton, Victoria, and is based in Melbourne, Australia. Maudie has since operated as the SMA Tourism expert in similar gallery projects across Australia. Maudie is an expert in the field of Australian modern art and … Read more

Mauricio Rincón Falla

Mauricio Rincon Falla headshot

Mauricio joined SMA Tourism in 2018 to develop nature tourism in Colombia and is based in Colombia. He is a specialist in marketing management, focusing on projects that improve community and SME access to sustainable economic opportunities, especially in the tourism sector. He is skilled in situation analysis, and medium and long-term planning, has extensive … Read more

Melanie Grevis-James

Melanie is a marketing consultant and owner of Planet Marketing. She provides strategic marketing solutions and advice for SME businesses and the tourism industry. Melanie helps Australian businesses and tourism destinations develop effective and practical marketing plans, building their brand awareness, and to increase leads and sales. She combines traditional marketing (which is still very … Read more

Sharon Veale

Sharon Veale headshot

Sharon started working with SMA Tourism in 2014, with the development of an interpretation plan for a former gold mining town, now major heritage attraction, and then and a feasibility study for a new cultural museum, exhibition and archive centre for Ballarat, Victoria. Sharon brings a wealth of expertise and over 15 years’ experience in … Read more

Simon McArthur

Simon McArthur headshot

Simon has managed SMA Tourism since its inception in 2013. He has 35 years international experience working in tourism for government, the private sector and not for profit organisations. He has extensive post graduate qualifications in business, marketing, tourism and hotel management, and has published many books in these fields. His qualifications, diverse experience and … Read more