The Tasmanian government asks us to identify product development and investment opportunities that could drive visitor demand to Far North West Tasmania. And specifically increase first-time and repeat visitation to the target region; increase the average length of stay; increase visitor expenditure; increase visitor dispersal (geographically and seasonally); increase visitor satisfaction, and consequently, increase the contribution of tourism to the social and economic life of the Far North West. Our approach included:
- Analysis of market data and tourism plans;
- Audits of 61 existing tourism attractions and products and ideas generation for their reinvigoration;
- Analysis of the potential opportunities and shortlisting to seven concepts;
- Creative development of the concepts, supported by benchmarking and market testing;
- Development of an Action Plan and consultation with tourism stakeholders to refine it.
The seven products were:
- Reinvigoration of Tarkine Adventures at Dismal Swamp
- Diversify adventure offer, move people up the hill, add accommodation and establish an adventure hub operator
- Experience/s associated with the Robbins Island wagyu cattle muster
- Guided tour to observation deck for film and lunch, or VR on horse and lunch, or
- Boat tour to Robbins Island with horse ride, or guided tour to island with overnight stay
- Magical themed night drive through the Tarkine Forest
- Three alternative stories depicted by lit up sculptures, delivered through self-drive app, tag along tour or guided tour
- New marketing and management of coastal shack immersion
- Single owner of a collection of properties and / or manager of accommodation on behalf of various owners, delivering and marketing immersive experiences, and / or
- Marketing website specifically focussed on authentic experiences
- New agritourism experiences and farm shed rustic accommodation
- Development and marketing of niche agritourism experiences through single operator
- Development of self-guided agritourism experience, and a collective of farm shed accommodation experiences
- Development of a loo with a view
- Upgrade of carpark, cantilevered building featuring smell boxes, windows with a view, and glass floor section
- Development of seal and penguin guided tours in Stanley
- New Seal watching product: cruise over to Bull Rock to view the Seal Colony, optional snorkel with the seals, rugged cliffs, fast track to Rocky Cape National Park for sea caves and rock pools, then seafood lunch on a secluded sandy beach
- Guided penguin viewing using infra-red and night googles / binoculars, and local food and wine taste afterwards
Concepts for a mystical night forest experience

Tourism Tasmania