Anne-Maria Mäkelä

Anne-Maria Mäkelä headshot

Anne-Maria joined SMA Tourism in 2015 to undertake iconic tourism product development in Uganda and is based in Finland. She has 20 year’s’experience working across the World in sustainable tourism, marketing and product development. She has become highly accomplished in tourism stakeholder consultation in developing countries, across public, private sector and non-governmental sectors. Anne-Maria’s focus … Read more

Glenn Berrill

Glenn Berrill headshot

Glenn joined SMA Tourism in 1999 to prepare a Heritage Landscape Management Plan that supported the redevelopment of the former North Head Quarantine Station into a boutique cultural tourism attraction, and he is based in Melbourne, Australia. Glenn has worked with SMA Tourism on Site Master Plans and Product Development Strategies in various parts of Australia. … Read more

Marcello Notarianni

Marcello Notarianni headshot

Marcello joined SMA Tourism in 2016 to play frequent roles in international projects and is based in Spain. He has over 22 years of experience in sustainable tourism development, including market analysis, special interest tourism product development and feasibility studies. Within SMA Tourism, Marcello focuses on sustainable tourism policy, product development, marketing strategies and self-financing … Read more

Sharon Veale

Sharon Veale headshot

Sharon started working with SMA Tourism in 2014, with the development of an interpretation plan for a former gold mining town, now major heritage attraction, and then and a feasibility study for a new cultural museum, exhibition and archive centre for Ballarat, Victoria. Sharon brings a wealth of expertise and over 15 years’ experience in … Read more

Simon McArthur

Simon McArthur headshot

Simon has managed SMA Tourism since its inception in 2013. He has 35 years international experience working in tourism for government, the private sector and not for profit organisations. He has extensive post graduate qualifications in business, marketing, tourism and hotel management, and has published many books in these fields. His qualifications, diverse experience and … Read more